My goals were:
1. Start Mikah's new home program.
This did not go well. I did a few masks a couple of different days and got really discouraged at how upset he got. I guess this is something he and I are going to have work through. I can't not do it so I guess I will just have to keep reassuring him that it is okay and push through until he figures out it helps him. I did rearrange his room and set-up his patterning table. The last time we had it out he was still in the crib, now he has bunk beds and with the table setup it is really crowded in his room. I would like to figure out a better place for the table although I am not sure where else it can go considering we will be setting his inclined floor up in the florida room this weekend. I did sit down with a good friend and was able to talk out how to organize and implement his reading program. I also found a pocket chart that I think will work for holding the reading cards. I need to order this. So I guess there was progress made. We just didn't actually do any of the program with Mikah.
2. Restart school.
This went well. We got off to a slow start but are back on track, not completely caught up with our originally planned schedule but not so far off that we won't be able to get done what is needed.
3. Practice Eucharisteo daily.
This went good. I recorded a few gifts almost everyday. Especially on those hard days. It was a great practice to help refocus my attitude and mind on Who is important and that without Him I am nothing.
What's next?
The goals I have chosen for my October 3 in 30 are:
1. Stay consistent with school.
I want this to become a habit and it is not yet, for me or my children. We will be changing our schedule a little bit, adding circle time and a few other changes to hopefully help.
2. Start Mikah's new home program.
I am keeping this one since it was not met and it is important.
3. Declutter and organize the kids toys and books.
They are taking over our house! It is crazy! When we were pregnant with our first we said we only wanted high quality, simple toys that stimulated imaginative and creative play. Fast forward several years and our house is over run with toys most of which do not fit that criteria. We actually started a toy closet for toys, puzzles, games, Montessori type manipulatives, etc.. It is already full! My goal is to declutter so that everything will fit nicely in the closet.
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