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Friday, February 3, 2012

February Goals

Wow! Where did January go!? It seems like it flew by. It was a good start to a new year. I participated in and completed a 31 day challenge to pray for my spouse! What a great new habit. I had prayed for him before but never that deliberately and consistently. God was moving. We started Mikah's home program and it is going great! My dad moved out and we gained a schoolroom. How fun! Lots of moving stuff around, some to the trash. :) We renovated a closet. Just need to figure out how to paint a door to match the stain on the surrounding molding...hmmmmm. And I created a new habit of taking cod liver oil...and I never thought I would say this, it doesn't taste that bad anymore!

On to February.
February 3 in 30 goals:

1. Less time online! More time for my children, my husband and my house. I am coming up with a plan, like no computer before 2pm or something. I will still want to check email every once in a while though because that is how my husband and I communicate while he is at work.

2. Workout at least 3 times each week and log my food and workouts into MyFitness Pal. I was doing great with this then I was sick for the whole month of November and then the  holidays came and went and I still haven 't gotten back into a good groove. Really need too! My body misses it.

3. Number 3 is staying the same. Be diligent in completely the 31 Days to Clean challenge with Joyful Mothering. I am not doing well with this but I am also not giving up! I am a couple days 5 days behind them but I don't care! I am finishing it! My house and my family will be better for it no matter how long it takes me. :)

Looking forward to another new month! Go here to link up.



  1. What a great trio of goals! Looking forward to seeing how you do in upcoming weeks. Have a great weekend!

  2. Great goals! I totally need to work on the first one as well. Or at least make my time online more productive! :)

  3. Great goals! I struggle with the first one as well - I keep wanting to check email and twitter :) Keep going!

  4. I am working on my cleaning as a goal also. I have the 31 Days to Clean book but I haven't read it yet...maybe this would be good month to do it :) Hoping you have great success with your goals!

  5. Way to go for your January goals and way to stick with your number 3.
    I struggle with number 1 as well as I have to sign on for school.
    I hope your week is fantastic.

  6. Keeping time online from getting out of hand seems to be something we all have challenges with. I'll be doing the 31 Days to Pray for Your Spouse this month. I may do the 31 Days to Clean next month. Congratulations on your new school room! Keep up the good work and #3in30 blessings.

  7. You've got great goals! And I struggle with not spending too much time online, too, so I work at that constantly.

  8. Great goals! #1 is the best! I have been so distracted this past year with blogging.

  9. January did really fly by! I love your goals - some of mine are similar - great that you are continuing to stick to it though, don't let getting off track make you throw in the towel!

  10. You can do it! Great goals and Christin is a huge encourager for the 31 Days to Clean. I am going to check out the app you mentioned since I am focusing on consistent workouts as well.
