1. Take cod liver oil daily.
This is going great! I got sick last week and decided to up my dose. I don't know if it was the cod liver oil or something else but I was better the next day.
2. Fill my water bottle 5 times each day and drink the water.
This is going better. I am thinking about it and remembering to at least attempt to drink water instead of coming to the end of the day and right before bed realizing I haven't had anything to drink.
3. Be diligent in completing the 31 Days to Clean challenge with Joyful Mothering.
I am content and happy with my progress on this. I am a day behind Joyful Mothering and I am okay with it because I am moving forward on it and my family has noticed. Tackling my kitchen cupboards this week and a couple other things. My stove, microwave and outside of the cupboards look great! I bought some pretty green and white drawer liner for my drawers and cupboards which I hope to put down this week when I go through everything, purge and reorganize.
How did your week go? Hop over here and join the fun!

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