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Friday, January 6, 2012

January 3in30: First Week of the New Year

The first week of the New Year is almost behind us! With the first week comes my anniversary! On this day 9 years ago I made one of the best decisions of my life, apart from accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior and I said yes to my man.  9 years ago at this time today we were in warm and sunny Riviera Maya, Mexico. I was in the day spa getting my hair, nail and toes done up all pretty and my man was getting into the only tuxedo I have ever seen him wear along with the only sandals I have ever seen him wear.  Yes, I said a tuxedo and sandals! We were getting married by the beach after all.  :)  So here's a great big Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband and best friend!!!

This week has gone well. I love the holidays and I am so glad to be getting back to our normal routine. Did you notice the "and"?  :)

My 3in30 goals for January:

1. Take cod liver oil daily.

This is going really great. My son is 100% tube fed and in the morning before breakfast he gets a water 'snack' with probiotics. Along with getting his water ready I get out the cod liver oil. I take mine and then give him his water. Seems to be working nicely.

2. Fill my water bottle 5 times each day and drink the water.

This hasn't gone as well as I would like but I am doing better. I have filled my water at least three times each day and drank that amount. This is definitely an improvement on the past couple months.

3. Be diligent in completing the 31 Days to Clean book with Joyful Mothering.

This is going okay. I have not completed all the first weeks tasks but am going to work on that this weekend when my husband is home and I have a better chance of being able to focus on them. One thing I did accomplish was cleaning out the refrigerator. What a difference! I didn't realize it was that dirty until I was done cleaning it! My husband came home with groceries and asked where the new fridge came from. :)

All in all I am happy with how things are going so far. Now to keep it up.

How are you doing?


  1. Great job with your goals. It's hard to drink water (for me anyway), but you are doing good. Keep going! I'm going through the 31 Days of Clean as well. I'm not doing it with a group...just going at my own pace and it has been great. I loved my "new" fridge and I'm with you - I had no idea it was so dirty (yuck!). My cabinets are nice and clean too(as clean as white can get. :)

  2. I have such a hard time drinking the water I'm supposed to also! Good work - I definitely need to put drinking water on my list!!!

  3. way to go - the fridge cleaning was a big thing for me as well :)

  4. LOL - the fridge!

    I haven't done well with drinking water, either! Here's to a better week!
