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Friday, January 13, 2012

January 3in30- Week 2

My January goals are:

1. Take cod liver oil daily.
This went great except for the weekend. On the weekend my husband usually gets my son's water and food ready and I am not following my normal routine. I need to work on remembering on the weekend. I'll have a chance to practice tomorrow!  :)

2. Fill my water bottle 5 times each day and drink the water.
Major fail! There were a couple days I didn't even drink one bottle full. I did notice the days I get up and go workout first thing in the morning I was closer to my goal. Still a work in progress.

3. Be diligent in completeing the 31 Days to Clean challenge with Joyful Mothering.
This was kind of a fail and kind of not. I had completed the day 1 challenge but decided to take it a step further, which I can't really share on here because you should really buy the book. :) But I haven't completed Days 3 and 4. She is going at a slower pace for this reason so I am planning on working on them today and over the weekend.

All in all I had a very distracted week. I am not sure why, I have just been very unfocused and irritated. I started praying about it once I realized what was happening, I am kind of slow in realizing these sorts of things sometimes :) Praying next week I am able to be focused and diligent in doing what is needed for my family and myself.

How did your week go? Hop over here and join the fun!


  1. It's been a distracting, unfocused week for me as well! I've stuck to my goals but to be honest that is all. Maybe I can blame mine on the weather! HA!

    Here's to a better focused, less distracting week 3! ;-)

  2. Hang in there! I love that there is always tomorrow to start fresh :). Are you enjoying 31 Days to Clean? I bought it and have been waiting for the opportune moment to begin. It looks great!

    1. Rachel, I am enjoying it! I have just been having a hard time making it a priority which is why I made it a goal. :) I tried to do it with Joyful Mothering in the summer but she was doing it in 31 days and I definitely couldn't keep up then. It always feels and looks do good when I do complete a day and my husband loves it.

  3. Keep plugging away on the water and the cod liver oil.

    Great job on the 31 Days to Clean!
    (That was one of the other challenges that I WANTED to do but had to say no to -- but I forgot to mention that one in MY 3 in30 post -- haha)
